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Fast delivery

In need of Virtual Reality hardware at the very last minute? No problem at all! As one of the very few, VR-Qubix offers urgent delivery to the Netherlands and Belgium! Thanks to our various partners, VR-Qubix can rely on an extensive and reliable delivery network. As a result, VR-Qubix has several options and thus guarantees highest quality.

Why an urgent delivery via VR-Qubix?

  • We can deliver anywhere. Also at events!
  • We are always in touch with the delivery staff.
  • Specific time? No problem!
This is how you request emergency delivery


How do you request an urgent delivery?


That’s easy! Are you a new customer? You can download and complete the verification form on this page. You can send this to As soon as it is received, an employee will immediately verify your data and contact you by telephone. Have you been our customer before and do we already have your contact information? Then you do not have to be verified again.